
...Ah. That's better. More room to breathe. Everything on one site or linked from one site. News and Events on a sidebar. A Services section (please do check that out). A Press Kit Section. Nice. My most heart-felt thanks to Luis Rodrigues for altering the Word Press templates, creating the really cool design, and for his advice during the construction of this new site. (We'll be adding things and tweaking a few things soon.) Thanks also for his friendship.As some of you may know, I have been living off of my fiction, nonfiction, and editing since February. A lot of people have been very supportive as I've made this rather abrupt transition and I'd like to thank them. (My apologies if I leave someone off).First of all, thanks to Ann who I love so much and who has been so supportive that it has made it all much less painful and me much less stressed. Thanks also to everyone who has helped me in one way or another over the past few months:Elizabeth VanderMeer, Howard Morhaim, Paul Witcover, Elizabeth Hand, Jay Lake, Peter Cannon, Eric Schaller, Matt Cheney, Rusty Morrison, Ken Keegan, Therese Littleton, Jacob MacMurray, Cat Rambo, Tom Nissley, Byron Rupp, Scott Edelman, Rachel Shea, Michael Dirda, John Scalzi, Victoria Blake, Geoff Manaugh, Sandy Calhoun, Jeren Goldstein, Richard Nash, Brian Evenson, Charles Goran, Richard Morgan, David Larsen, Nick Gevers, Neil Clarke, Sean Wallace, Jeffrey Thomas, Paul DiFilippo, Jeffrey Ford, Deborah Newton, David Arthurs, Anne Sydenham, Kameron Hurley, David Moles, George Mann, Clare Dudman, Jim Minz, Joe Gordon, Mark Mustian, Barth Anderson, Nathan Ballingrud, Tobias Buckell, Alex & Heather Hall, KJ Bishop, Mark & Cindy Ziesing, Mike Moorcock, Peter Crowther, Bill Schaffer, Liz Gorinsky, Leslie Henkel, John & Barb Lyons, Robbie Boerth, Mark Wingenfeld, Gwenda Bond, Mark Kelly, Tamar Yellin, Jonathan Strahan, and everyone at my former place of employment who expressed their support (you know who you are, and you are numerous).Again, I know I've forgotten some names. My apologies in advance. Let me just say it's been humbling to know I have such a good support system and that there are so many nice, cool people out there.Anyway, I hope there will be a bit of a change now that I can source certain information into sidebars and other categories. More substantive posts, for example. (I'll also add a blog roll and "Classic Posts" from the old blog, which will still be available.)So, go ahead and check out all of the categories and information--you'll notice the old jeffvandermeer.com site is still available--and a huge tip of the hat to my friend Scott Eagle for allowing us to use his art.Much Love,Jeff


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