Gabe Chouinard: Do Not Do Projects With Him

When several years back The Third Alternative hushed up the information that one of their cover artists had plagiarized from Dave McKean, I thought that was unfortunate because it meant that artist might be able to pull it over on someone else. When I caught a reviewer for a number of websites plagiarizing from other reviewers, I was reluctant not to go public but was convinced to just make those websites aware of the situation. (This did appear to take care of the problem.)In both cases, I didn't say anything publicly. To some extent, I convinced myself it wasn't my business. But I have to say I favor transparency whenever possible, and for this reason I have to say that having observed Gabe Chouinard's behavior over the years, starting with Fantastic Metropolis, it is important for people to know that (1) he never ever finishes a project he starts, (2) he knows nothing about PR and should not be given money to serve in that capacity, (3) he appears to have stolen people's time and money, (4) he is unable to acknowledge that anything is ever his fault, and (5) he will repeatedly use the excuse of "family problems" to get sympathy and thus get out from under any hole he has dug himself into.So, it's no surprise about what happened with Scalpel Magazine. I guess I just thought everyone knew Gabe's MO.Because I think it's well past time that Gabe stop abusing other people's trust, I am posting publicly about this. Transparency is more important than a false sense of decorum.Enough said. JeffV


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