News From Finland

Tähtifantasia-awardHelsinki SF Society has been giving The Tähtivaeltaja-award for the best Science Fiction book published in Finland for over 20 years. Now HSFS has started a new award called Tähtifantasia (Star Fantasy) that will be given yearly to the best translated Fantasy book published in Finland during the previous year.The winner will be chosen by a jury of experts. The five nominees for the best translated Fantasy book published in Finland in 2006 are:

  • Jonathan Carroll: Valkoiset omenat (White Apples)
  • Jukka Halme (ed.): Uuskummaa? Modernin fantasian antologia (New Weird? An Anthology of Modern Fantasy - Includes short stories from Jeff VanderMeer, Stepan Chapman, Kelly Link, China Miéville, Jeffrey Ford, Margo Lanagan etc)
  • George R. R. Martin: Miekkamyrsky, part 2 (A Storm of Swords - The second half)
  • Patricia A. McKillip: Unohdettu Ombria (Ombria in Shadow)
  • Jeff VanderMeer: Pyhimysten ja mielipuolten kaupunki (The City of Saints and Madmen - Selection of stories)

The winner will be announced in August.


"Classic" Post: Dec 2004--Hannukah Bear


Fourth of July--Reading and "What He Said"