Blog Changes Upcoming

I'll be changing the categories and drop-downs soon. Basically, I want to start posting more music and movie reviews, along with what I'd call "culture" reviews. With all of the travel, we get to visit some amazing restaurants and other places, and I'll be writing more about that in future.I am also adding a blogroll soon. This blogroll isn't going to be something you can lobby to be on. Basically, I'll be slowly adding only blogs I feel are (1) interesting and (2) updated frequently. You might be very interesting and only post once or twice a month. Or, you might post every day and put me to sleep, even if, in real life, you're my best friend. And, it's not going to be put together by any scientific method, so you might get left off and I just haven't gotten around to it or I just overlooked you. If so...well, that's life.Jeff


Best American Fantasy!


Skullring or BldgBlog--Take Your Pick