Recent Reading For Realms Review

As many of you may have noticed, I've been reviewing for SF Weekly, The Washington Post, and now as a regular columnist for Realms of Fantasy (in addition to the Amazon book blog gig). I just got the October issue of Realms, which features my first reviews for them, of Deadstock by Jeffrey Thomas, Dangerous Offspring by Steph Swainston, Ilario: The Lion's Eye by Mary Gentle, Vacation by Jeremy C. Shipp, and The Music of Razors by Cameron Rogers. I enjoyed aspects of all five books, and gave them positive reviews, but now, a few months down the road, the two that really still stick out in my mind are the Gentle and the Shipp. For what that's worth.I also do a Graphic Novels column for Realms--in a kind of "hot picks" sidebar--and my picks in the October issue are: Mouse Guard by David Peterson, Death by Chocolate by David Yurkovich, Wormwood: Gentleman Corpse by Ben Templesmith, The Secret History by Jean-Pierre Pecau, and Dungeon: Twilight by Joann Sfar and Lewis Trondheim.For the December issue of Realms, I'll be reviewing Mister Pip by Lloyd Jones, Red Seas Under Red Skies by Scott Lynch, The Kingdom of Bones by Stephen Gallagher, Not Flesh Nor Feathers by Cherie Priest, and The Coyote Road, edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling.Jeff


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