Bourne Ultimatum--The "Real" Ending Contest

Small spoiler below...well, I think it's small.Re The Bourne Ultimatum movie (see prior post)--Ann just said to me, "And what's the big deal? He finds out he was part of an assassin program? Like he hasn't figured that out?!" Me: "But he finds out he was a volunteer." Ann: "Puhleease."Okay, so, like, I think it's time for another contest. Entertain me, dear readers. Bourne makes it to the place where he'll find out "the truth". Give me an alternate ending. What's the real truth behind Jason Bourne? What does he *really* find out? Contest ends Friday at noon EST and the winner receives a copy of Best American Fantasy and the trade paper of Shriek: An Afterword. Be as realistic or ridiculous as you like. I'll be the judge o' the best answer. Everyone can enter up to five times. Use your full names, please.Jeff


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