Taking Stock

For those who are keeping score...Best American Fantasy is out now (contributors should have their copies in the next week), with it hitting the bookstores by Monday, with any luck.The New Weird anthology comes out in February 2008.The Steampunk anthology comes out in May 2008.A Clarion charity anthology should come out in June 2008.The next Best American Fantasy comes out in July 2008.Fast Ships, Black Sails comes out in September 2008.Mapping the Beast: The Best of Leviathan & Album Zutique comes out in November 2008 (moved back a year to give it it's proper due; I believe I've contacted all of the contributors by now)Last Drink Bird Head will come out in late 2008 or in 2009. Not sure yet.In terms of my own work, The Situation will come out from PS Publishing in late spring 2008, a limited edition of Shriek will be out sometime in 2008, the Predator novel will come out in late 2008, I believe, and I am also hopeful that the next Ambergris novel might still come out in 2008, but probably 2009.In addition, Payseur & Schmidt should be releasing the limited edition 3-volume Vanderpalooza project around August 2008.This sounds like a lot, but Ann and I are sharing equal duty on all of the anthologies, and they're various enough that all should be well. (Although this doesn't even include her meticulous and ongoing work as Weird Tales fiction editor.)We've got our PR end of it down to a science, so that doesn't take very long. Not to mention, New Weird is just about done, Steampunk is more or less done, Fast Ships is just about done, and Mapping is just a matter of putting all the stories in one document.Anyway, I mention this in part because--guess what?--now this is my life. We make money or we don't make money on these enterprises. (Well, except the charity antho.) And if we don't, that's not good. LOL!Jeff


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Bourne Contest--ending tomorrow