Second Generation Book Trailers...Still "Off"

I've met Ian Irvine. He's a very nice guy. But because he's also a bestselling author whose sales are unlikely to be hurt by what I'm about to say...I have to point out...this promo for his upcoming book is craaazy. The pacing is so tranquil that the trailer convinces me that it's not only the longest book ever written, it's also the slowest.I can just see the guys who did the graphics being so enamored of actually being able to put together some action figures in a CGI environment that the editor just didn't think about...pacing.Look, I'd rather see three minutes of DIY video of two terriers, a lizard-skink, and a hamster in a funny hat re-creating scenes from the book with a voice-over of Irvine reading than watch this. Frankly.But, to be honest, this is what happens when a medium, like video, is re-purposed in support of another medium, least for the first few generations.Jeff


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