Loghorrhea Review

Strange Horizons has a review of Loghorhea up. And they liked my 13,000-word "Appoggiatura" story. A lot. I'm happy about this because any time you write a 13k story you're proud of, you really like to see it get some attention. Truth is, there've been very few reviews of the anthology. And a couple of reviewers didn't read "Appoggiatura." In one case it's quite clear because they thought it was a bunch of unrelated vignettes. Anyway, I'm rather fond of the thing, so I'll be podcasting it next week to resurrect it.Evil Monkey: Claiming a lot for that thar story, Captain.Jeff: Yeah, well you write 13k of some of your best stuff and see if you can just walk away.Evil Monkey: My best stuff is up thar on the wall, Captain. In brown. Flung.Jeff: Beautiful.


Mister Pip


Dying Earth Anthology