
Today was a great day. I spent the morning at the coffee shop writing for the first time this week (BAF and critique service stuff Mon-Wed) and solved some problems in "Borne." I also forgave myself for writing past a gap in the narrative. I kept looking at the gap and looking at the gap the past week until it'd become so big I couldn't write past it. But when I re-read the material this morning, I realized I'd made way too big a deal about it, made myself retreat from the text rather than engaging it. The gap as it turns out is tiny and consists of two clearly defined scenes that I can only write after I've plunged forward on the rest of it. Funny how that works.On the way home, I got excited thinking about putting together the next story collection, probably for 2009. Right now, I've got the following that could go into it:"Errata""Appoggiatura""The Third Bear""The Surgeon's Tale" (w/ Cat Rambo)"The Farmer's Cat""Three Days in a Border Town""The Situation""King Tales""Lost""The Lovecraft Cafe" (w/ Des Lewis and Mike Korn)and, depending on length, "Borne". "Borne may wind up being a short novel, though. We'll see.This isn't to say all of those stories above would go into a collection. I'm not a huge fan of dumping in everything but the kitchen skink. And I'll have more short fiction in the meantime, including, God willin' and the creek don't rise, "The Goat Variations" (w/ Cat Rambo) and a Dying Earth story. Among others.Jeff


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