Best American Fantasy: In Bookstores Now

Best American Fantasy is out now--you can find it prominently displayed in chain stores and also at your local indies. It's got Kelly Link, Elizabeth Hand, Kevin Brockmeier, Chris Adrian, and 25 other great writers in it. If you're inclined to pick up a copy, now's the time.BAF was an NPR All Things Considered Summer Reading Selection and got a starred review in Publishers Weekly.We like to think of it as an alternate history of fantasy in 2006. You pick up us and your favorite other year's best fantasy anthology and you're covered. There's very little overlap between our selections and any other year's best fantasy antho.(Except for the Liz Hand story and Nick Houser's hilarious high school zombie story.)If you favor diversity, choice in the marketplace, and different viewpoints, please support this start-up. Thanks!Jeff


Evil Monkey Guide to Creative Writing-#2


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