A Bit O' Linkage

Just a few links.I agree with this fascinating post by Jay Lake, although for me it's not so much about always thinking about the "next level" in terms of hobnobbing and whatnot at cons (I know this isn't exactly what Jay's saying, but...). It's more manifested in a "I've-achieved-that-goal-and-now-it's-boring." I also hang out with the same people I've always hung out, with the most part. I like interesting people. I don't like boring people. Doesn't matter how published or not published they are.Cheryl Morgan and Kevin Standlee have created a SF Awards Watch website--go check it out!Frank Dudley points out to me the endless uses of fungi.Juha Lindroos gets profiled.


The Case For and Against Dick


NPR: A Shill for UPS