State o' the Union

So, it's now been a few months since I started blogging in the new digs and I think I'm more or less hitting my stride now. I feel very comfortable here, posting on a range of topics. You'll continue to see mini book, movie, and music reviews, along with "culture" pieces that will range from restaurant reviews to an upcoming "Top 10 Places to Drink Beer" feature. Since we're doing a fair amount of travel, it seems to make sense. I'll also be podcasting my story from the spelling bee antho, talking about a "day in the life" of a freelancer, and reintroducing the five-question author "walk the plank" interviews. In addition, Evil Monkey will soon return to video life with more of his book pics--and his announcement of candidacy for a certain high and prominent office.Please continue to send me links to weird stuff (unless it's off of Boing Boing, because, really, what's the point of me posting stuff from Boing Boing)--I try to use as much of it as I can.In other news, I will be finishing up "The Goat Variations," my first alternate history story, this next week, hopefully for an anthology.I'm also now working on a weird piece called "Mormeck's Surrender," set in the same area as my fake disease in the Lambshead Guide. In addition to ramping up on Predator and finishing a good, solid draft of "Borne".September 1st I'm a guest of Bumbershoot in Seattle, on a panel with Nicola Griffith and Austin Grossman, moderated by Therese Littleton.In September, we'll have a huge, mega book sale (if you want first dibs on the list before it goes on the blog, just email me).Jeff


Music Review: Richard Thompson


The Keyhole Opera by Bruce Holland Rogers