Unfinished stories

Following off of this, here are recent first lines from unfinished stories of mine. Feel free to add your own in the comments area.Jeff#1Mandingo stood as tall as a penguin could and spat at the knees of his oppressors.#2It occurred to Buckwaldo that he'd stopped breathing several minutes ago and his brain was telling his mind to fuck off.#3When she woke up that morning, to the sounds of other people waking up all over the world, with their snarls and sneezes and wheezes and coughs, she never realized that by day's end she'd have found a door to another world.#4The gleaming highway's chrome lining made his arms itch for a steering wheel, but there he was walking to work through the zombies again.#5Nothing disillusioned Mike more than seeing a leprechaun in his coffee in the morning.#6"Form two teams and split up," George told Fred.#7The leopard leapt like a big cat right onto Hamed's pulsing throat muscles.#8He withdrew his mantle and snuffled his way to the alien dignitary's banquet, complaining the whole way about the lack of sargasso nuts.#9The flowing red sunset bit into the horizon like a mouth wound, throbbing into dulled pain, the surf writhing against the terpid shore, the shore itself like a clutean puzzle.#10All the heads in their jars turned to look at him as he entered.


Peter Straub's Nonfiction Book, Sides


Long Story Titles--A Game for Young Turks?