BAF Review on Strange Horizons

Gwyneth Jones has reviewed Best American Fantasy at Strange Horizons. Matt Cheney, our able series editor, has a response that is more general, really, than a response to the review itself (which is mixed).The only comment I have is that there're some ham-handed cultural observations about the US that I don't think a reviewer from this side of the pond would have made. The grievous one to me is the mis-reading of "The Whipping," a story with a very strict attention to detail and a kind of "super-realism", as "the real Simpson's movie." I cannot, in re-reading the story, see how anyone could arrive at this conclusion.And I'm increasingly weary of the observation that there are few big names in the anthology. Depends on how widely read you are. Kevin Brockmeier, Tony D'Souza, and Daniel Alarcon, in the wider world, have at least as much pull, recognition, and TV appearances as your typical high-powered "genre" writer triumverate. For example.


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