Infinity Plus: 1997 to 2007 (anthologized)

I just got the Infinity Plus anthology in the mail. In addition to work from Michael Moorcock, Kim Stanley Robinson, Ian McDonald, Stephen Baxter, and Charles Stross, it also contains my story "Ghost Dancing With Manco Tupac".(Keith Brooke)It's a bittersweet moment in that, as I wrote about on the Amazon book blog, Keith Brooke has decided to call it a day, leaving Infinity Plus as perhaps the best archive of genre fiction online, in addition to its service providing nonfiction and original reviews.I've always been awed by those individuals, like Keith, who can keep updating something as time-consuming as a fiction website on a regular basis--and Keith did it for ten years. That's truly an accomplishment.On a personal note, I have to say that I count Keith as a good friend and Infinity Plus as a sometimes-savior of my career. I can remember months, and sometimes years, where having a story on Infinity Plus was pretty much the extent of my career, to be honest. Long before I had books out from major publishers, Infinity Plus supported my work. And I'll always be grateful.Not to mention, even though he's an ocean away and we don't correspond as often as I like, Keith will always be my friend. He's one of the good guys in this business--thoughtful and honest and the kind of person where you get into a complicated situation and you ask yourself "What would Keith do?" Just because you know he'd make the right decision.Anyway, here's to Infinity Plus.Jeff


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