Last Drink Bird Head

This is an old mock-up, just a rough, using Scott Eagle's art, design by Jacob McMurray. Nothing is certain about the final, not artist, designer, or anything else. Depends on the publisher's desires.Contributors include Michael Bishop, Gene Wolfe, Tanith Lee, Peter Straub, Stephen R. Donaldson, Michael Swanwick, Henry Kaiser, Caitlin Kiernan, Bruce Holland Rogers, Conrad Williams, Daniel Abraham, Ellen Kushner, Holly Phillips, Jay Lake, K.J. Bishop, Jon Courtney Grimwood, Sonya Taaffe, Tim Pratt, Sarah Monette, Rikki Ducornet, Nick Mamatas, Nicholas Royle, Marly Youmans, Liz Williams, Brian Evenson, Steve Aylett, Cat Rambo, Richard Butner, and a ton of others I'm too tired to type in the names of....And below, the original inspiration for the anthology, art by Eric Schaller. I did a short piece based on the art for Secret Life Redux. Then Matt Cheney did a smart-ass piece based on the name of the art, Last Drink Bird Head, and then a lightbulb clicked on in my head. Now it's a charity antho for literacy coming out in late 2008 (probably) from a mysterious publisher to be named in October.Jeff


Mysterious Publisher


The Leonardo Variations