Beware Young Writers...

...there's a ton of crap you have to deal with out in the world. Plenty of nice people--people who understand that we're all in this together, who are helpful, intelligent, responsive, and fun to talk to. This is what makes being a writer a joy.Alas, there're also a few cranks, jerks, and two-faced, smarmy jellyfish. So prep your armor and expect scars, because if you don't, chances are you won't last very long. The best advice I have is the advice I've had to take this week: try your hardest to ignore it because people who act in that way simply aren't worth your time--and are a waste of time--and you should simply write better, longer, faster, harder--whatever it takes to leave those people in the dust. Even if it's tough to ignore at times. I've survived blacklisting, idiots, my own stupidity, and people who have no honor and no scruples. How long you last is directly related to how long you can continue to write well and with originality in the face of this kind of crapola.And, as a kind of aside, if you want to speak your mind, engage in arguments, and put your money where your mouth is, you'll make more friends than you make enemies, but you will make enemies. Because most people can't compartmentalize the argument and make it separate from the messenger. That said, we need more writers willing to enter into the trenches, not fewer. We need more writers who are willing to be honest. We don't need more politicians.Jeff


Movie Review: Dead Girl


M. John Harrison's "All the Roary Night"