Steph Swainston Interview

The new Clarkesworld Magazine is up, and it features my interview with Steph Swainston. Yes, that's right, Clarkesworld now publishes nonfiction, too. And in this first interview, Swainston literally laughs at death:What do you most fear?Selling myself short.More than anything else? You don't fear death? How about the death of loved ones? Ha ha ha ha ha ha. OK, you don't know me. You're forgiven. I am not in the slightest afraid of dying. Nobody who has been through what I have will be afraid of it. If you face death your senses are buzzing! You feel alive! I have thrown myself out of planes, swum underground, all without fear of death. Who the fuck cares? As long as it's fast and relatively painless, I don't give a crap if it happens next minute or in fifty years.Check it out.Jeff


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