Catching Up

Just a few things to catch up on and comment on.Free-Range ReadingWith a short break coming up for some of my reviewing gigs, I've splurged and bought a trade paperback of Chris Adrian's The Children's Hospital. Really looking forward to it--and to having a few hours to read something all in one sitting. I'm also going back to Jack Vance's Dying Earth stories to refresh my memory.Book SaleThe book sale continues. Sorry for some of the delays in shipping, but we processed a mammoth number of orders. As of tonight, all orders have gone out, except for a few that we are waiting on checks or paypals for. Which means, if you do order books now, it'll go out the door the next day.Bookless InterviewsSeveral people have approached me about doing an interview with them. Unfortunately, it doesn't really work that way. You can't nominate yourself. You're just going to have to be patient until I discover you. :) I have a couple on tap, though, and will be posting one next week.Behind On...Well, everything, but mostly podcasting Appoggiatura and finishing up a long post about the decline of short fiction that I want to get exactly right before putting up.SoldAn essay called "The Language of the Defeated" to Nick Mamatas for Clarkesworld.BlurbedA novel by Thomas Disch, forthcoming from Tachyon, called Word of God: "A lovely, funny, interesting, incisive, and wonderfully blasphemous novel."


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