BUY THIS BOOK NOW: The Traitor by Michael Cisco

I'm on a mission, and I'm pissed, and I'm not going to take it any more.Michael Cisco is a surrealist master who has been completely and utterly ignored for the most part since his IHG-award-winning The Divinity Student. He's been screwed over by publishers, he's had more bad luck than I can remember any writer having, ever.And now, finally, The Traitor, a true masterpiece, is out from Prime Books, and this book needs to do well. It needs to do well for Cisco, but also for us, because this book deserves your attention. It deserves to be on year's best lists, and it deserves as many sales as it can get. This was going to be a Ministry book before the Ministry folded, and it's one of my favorite novels of the last ten years. I think it'll be a very depressing sign for the state of our field if this novel gets ignored.Right now, the best way to buy it is on Amazon. So, please, go buy the book. I'll be blogging about it on Amazon, doing reviews of it elsewhere, etc.If you buy it and you like it, please tell others and blog about it yourself.Paul Tremblay's description of the book on Amazon:One of my favorite reads of the year. Surrealistic setup; the narrator is a soul burner, employ of the Empire, and must hunt down Wite, a soul burner turned spirit eater. Cisco turns the strange and exotic into something so personal. The key here, is the narrative voice. So many writers don't know how to use first person to their advantage (and I love me a good first person) and Cisco nails it in this book. The narrator's voice/rhythm was hypnotic, mesmerizing, the repeated bits like incantations. It builds suspense and release at the right times, and the last line of the novel, after the narrator has flogged and implicated the reader, then made the reader want to be a part of humanity's destruction, that last line is just pitch perfect.


The Triumph of Competence


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