Steampunk Contents!

(rough cover--still changing)We've finalized the contents for the Steampunk antho, with the exception of a little piece at the end (a list of steampunk novels, that we're still querying about). This will be my eighth anthology, Ann's third (not including, of course, fifteen magazine issues for Ann and now Weird Tales). Out in May 2008.We've gone for a mix of classics and newer material, and a contrast of styles and approaches."Preface," Jeff and Ann VanderMeer"Introduction: The Nineteenth Century Roots of Steampunk," Jess Nevins"Steampunk in Pop Culture," Rick Klaw"Steampunk in the Comics," Bill Baker"Benediction: Warlord of the Air" excerpt, Michael Moorcock"Lord Kelvin's Machine," James Blaylock"The Giving Mouth," Ian MacLeod"A Sun in the Attic," Mary Gentle"The God-Clown Is Near," Jay Lake"The Steam Man of the Prairie and the Dark Rider Get Down," Joe Lansdale"The Selene Gardening Society," Molly Brown"Seventy-Two Letters," Ted Chiang"The Martian Agent: An Interplanetary Romance," Michael Chabon"Victoria," Paul Di Filippo"Reflected Light," Rachel E. Pollock"Minutes of the Last Meeting," Stepan Chapman"Excerpt from the Third and Last Volume of the Tribes of the Pacific Coast," Neal Stephenson


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