State of the VanderWorld

Right, so I'm still working off the jetlag, getting back into the swing of things, so it'll be a little slow for a couple of days. But, here's some news, some information, some stuff.- I'll have Utopiales photos up and some description of the event in the next day or so, but the main report is exclusive to Locus Magazine, so...- I'll be posting reviews of the movies Sunshine, Knocked Up, and a couple of others shortly.- Wyrm Books will be doing a limited edition of Shriek, with a cover by Ben Templesmith of 30 Days of Night fame, some new material included, a DVD of the Shriek movie, and, with any luck, 45 minutes of music by The Church (still working that one out). The design will be by the amazing John Coulthart. It'll be a great package. More info when I have it.- I'll be giving some indepth explanation of my Amazon top 10 SF/F books, as announced last week, including a list of other books that could easily have been on the list.- My review of Steve Erickson's Zeroville has gone through copy-editing by the Washington Post Book World and will appear sometime in the next couple of weeks, I believe.- I'll also be doing an article on neglected writers for a new magazine from Bantam-Spectra, to appear in 2008.- My story "Appoggiatura" from the spelling bee antho should be posted soon, in a rather unique way. More details as I have them.


Predator Update


Pontification Continues: Cultpop and Aqueduct