Bhutto Assassinated

More details here.A few observations.For those who have been equating Bhutto and Musharaff, like on CNN--they are not equivalents. Musharaff is a dictator. Bhutto was a political leader who worked within the system, no matter what you think of corruption charges, etc., leveled against her.Bush's press secretary using this opportunity to go fearmongering again, saying this shows why we need a war on terror, and barfing out the usual lines about "they want to destroy our freedom," etc., is disgusting to an extreme. Especially since the organization or people responsible aren't know yet. Especially when Musharaff may well be involved in the assassination.Musharaff is responsible to some extent for this tragedy because of his inability to give up power and his weakness in dealing with extremists in his country.Bush's hypocritical rhetoric on Pakistan, the democratic crisis there, and Musharaff's actions continue to disgust me.


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