I'm Just Sayin...

If I did another Predator novel, I think it'd be:Predator: New Hampshire Republican DebatesDisabled by a sudden uber-gust of hot air, a Predator ship has crash-landed in the middle of the Republican debates, wreaking chaos. Who will survive? The slick, position-changing ambidextrous (and preternaturally handsome) robot Mit Romney? The hypocritical suddenly religious curmudgeon and war veteran McCain? The batshit-crazy-under-veneer-of-reasonableness Huckabee? The former actor, former human being now blood-hound-jowled corpse named Thompson? As the body count mounts, will it be weak positions on immigration or health care that doom them to rhetorical mounted-cannon-death against the a-political meat-eating Predator?


Sentences I Never Expected to Write: Example 1


New Year's Resolutions