Wide-Spread Drug Abuse Reported in Fiction Community

In the light of certain revelations in the sports world, I feel it's only my duty to tell the truth about drug use in the fiction community.I have, in fact, used human growth hormone while writing, and beer. So have Jay Lake , who is obviously on massive amounts of steroids, Elizabeth Bear, and a host of others. I have, in fact, personally injected Peter Straub and Gene Wolfe with ImagineX, a steroid responsible for uncontrollable visions. Kelly Link reportedly gets high on something called inTerStitial. (Lucius Shepard may have once tried the old mary jane, but he never inhaled.)I could go on, but I won't. It is the untold tragedy of the writing community--how the pressure to get ahead, to win awards, to get into year's best anthos, leads dozens of writers down the path of this kind of abuse.The result: a whole generation of asterisk-laden accomplishments. Even Ian M. Banks' Culture novels are now suspect, especially given his brazen admissions in his book on whiskey drinking. MarXism addict China Mieville is a walking, talking Poster Boy for free-basing politics.How can we vote Brian Aldiss into Science Fiction Hall of Fame when we know he's been shooting up Hothouse drugs for over forty years? How can we vote Ursula K. LeGuin into the Fantasy Hall of Fame when we know she's been addicted to CurMudGeon for almost a decade? To say nothing of Jeffrey Ford's licking of toads.


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