VanderMeer Critique Service Once Again Available

Yep, that's right ladies and gents, I'm opening up the critique service again. Specific and general comments on your short stories, novellas, and novels. I also provide comments on nonfiction books if that's your thing. The goal of the critique is not just to give you insight into the strengths and weaknesses of the submitted piece but also give you insights that will help your fiction in general.Here's a testimonial from one satisfied customer:Jeff Vandermeer's critique of my novel was clear, balanced, exceptionally thorough and contextualised within the status and trends of the current market. His notes on everything from sentence level issues to characterisation, plot dynamics and pacing were delivered with a matter-of-fact candour that clearly showed me the book's problems without patronising, and were leavened with [positive comments on] the parts that were done well. Of particular value was the contextualisation of his comments in terms of what is publishable, noting that some of the mistakes I was making can be seen in published novels; the inference being to settle not just for what will sell, but to aim higher than that. As such, I found the experience both inspirational and technically invaluable.If interested, email me at vanderworld at and I'll provide you with more information.Jeff


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