Horror: The Best of the Year

Knowing how interesting Stefan R. Dziemianowicz's tastes in fiction are, I can't wait to read his take on horror in 2007.Horror: Best of the Year is an anthology that Prime is experimenting with right now. Specifically, they're making it an antho with a rotating editorship. Because we're masochists, Ann and I have agreed to edit next year's edition, collecting published short form horror from 2008. We'll put out a formal call for reprint submissions soon. But in the meantime, if you have a horror/dark fantasy story published this year and it's not in a major genre mag like F&SF or Asimov's, or on Strange Horizons or Clarkesworld, please feel free to send a hardcopy of it to: POB 4248, Tallahassee, FL 32315, appropriately marked.Just so we're clear--this isn't Best American Fantasy. This is the year's best horror stories, which includes traditional horror, more surreal stuff, and everything in between. We like just about everything and feel our mandate on this antho is to, if the quality is there, be representative of the many different vibrant types of horror out there.Jeff


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