Last Dragon Review at SciFi Weekly

Not to keep harping on it, but after my post about J.M. McDermott's Last Dragon and the accompanying discussion earlier today, I discovered SciFi Weekly had posted this rave review of Last Dragon, written by Paul Witcover, which reads in part:...this extraordinary first novel traces the labyrinthine history of a dying ruler whose patchy memories of the past swerve from the vivid to the unreliable in a hypnotic tangle of stark realism and impressionistic fantasy that has the visionary power of a fever dream. The comparison goes only so far, however. McDermott is not writing magic realism but robust fantasy, investing the traditional subject matter of the genre--magic, dragons, golems and more--with high literary craftsmanship, and his main character, who is also his narrator, is a woman--Zhan Immur, an elderly empress kept alive by shamanistic magic as she dictates letters filled with melancholy longing and petulant recrimination to an exiled lover named Esumi.I'll be running an interview with McDermott on Amazon's book blog by early next week.It's so exciting to read a book like Last Dragon, one so different, so ambitious, and so beautifully written, so forgive me for continuing to bring it up...


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