Random Thoughts in a Writer's Head on a Thursday

Surely I can't be coming down with carpal tunnel?!If fewer people were dickheads my life would be a lot easier.If I wasn't such a dickhead my life would be a lot easier.Why do so many beginning writers think success should be handed to them on a platter? Is it because they've got a blog and know how to type?I have the greatest idea ever for a bestseller, but first I've got to write these three serious novels.I wonder if those brownies are nutritious.I finally "get" that new Radiohead CD and it only took 40 listens.Thinking about that movie Juno still makes me smile."Bastard in a bag! Bastard in a bag!"Why do you keep wasting your time with X? He's never going to like your work and exchanging emails with him is just pissing you off.Never did get around to blogging about Minsoo Kang's Of Tales and Enigmas collection. He probably hates me by now.This cat is like a professional lap finder. I will never ever have my lap to myself as long as I live.Why are there so many just-barely-literate reviewers out there? I mean, Jesus, he didn't even mention a single story title in the antho, or author. Did he even read the book?I wish someone would make Hal Duncan publish a nonfiction book because I just can't deal with another 25,000-word blog entry even if it's brillliant.Glad that dead mole finally washed away because I wasn't looking forward to cleaning it up.Is the neighbor joking with that Huckabee sign?Just because you've got a blog doesn't mean anyone gives a crap about your random thoughts.


Curse and Berate $*@*(*&(&!!


Edward Willett on Marseguro, Cover Polls, and the Writer's Life