Contribute to An Online Compendium of Noble Failure (or: Dreams Delayed)

So, I'm on the road for a day or so, and I thought this would be a good time to ask everybody out there to answer one or both of two questions, the answers to which intrigue me in the wake of an article I read about books that almost were but weren't. But I want to expand it to be books, yes, but also other projects of any kind.(1) What project you worked on that you were really invested in failed utterly and you still to this day think about it with disappointment?(2) What project have you always wanted to do but have not yet gotten around to? Like, your dream project?Again, these can be anything, not just related to books and writing. For #1, it's kind of an opportunity to share a vision that might've been. For #2, it's an opportunity to begin to get closer to starting that project. Who knows, someone who reads this blog might take you up on the idea.This ain't a contest. Just curious. And you can post anonymously if you need to. Later, I'll share my own.jeff


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