Weird Tales--Next Issue and Special Subscription Offer

The next issue of Weird Tales, the second with my wife Ann as fiction editor, will be out very soon--and can you believe that cover? I just love that art.Even better is the fiction. Every single one of these stories is provocative, unusual, and beautifully written:Heuler, Karen - Landscape, With FishPridham, Matthew - RenovationMills, Calvin - The Stone and Bone BoyPugmire, W.M & M.K. Snyder - The House of Idiot ChildrenRambo, Cat - Events at Fort PlentitudeI do want to draw special attention to a story I believe could become a modern classic: Matthew Pridham's novelette "Renovation," perhaps the most original and just plain wonderful haunted house story of the last fifteen years. It's his first published story, but it doesn't read like it. This is the real deal, folks--a stone cold brilliant "renovation" of the modern haunted house story. And it's only part of a great issue. I was privileged to read these stories when Ann got them as galleys for copy editing and they're just great.Weird Tales is offering a subscription special right now, and I'm so excited about this revitalization of a magazine that was one of my first pro sales that I'm going to extend this additional special offer: subscribe now and I'll send you a little personalized trinket/thank you in the mail, something only you will have. I'll even extend it to the first 25 readers who take advantage of it--just make sure you type "VanderMeer sent me" in the comments field when you subscribe.Weird Tales is one of the only genre magazines whose subscription rate is CLIMBING--and there's a reason for that. In addition to just plain old great fiction, you get pages and pages of nonfiction features, interviews, comics, and reviews. I just can't get over how thoroughly and wisely creative director Stephen Segal has re-energized Weird Tales.


South Carolina Book Festival


Weird Mushroom Lore