Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations on Romania...Not So Good

We eagerly awaited chef and globe-trotter Anthony Bourdain's show on Romania...only to be very disappointed. In addition to spending over ten minutes just hanging out in a ghastly Vlad the Impaler tourist joint--a terrible waste of time given how much we saw of worth in Romania when we were there--Bourdain also let that Russian guy who previously showed him, well, Russia, and a Central Asian country return to guide him through Romania. Why Bourdain would do this is beyond me. He could easily have found any number of Romanians who could have shown him stuff beyond Dracula's Castle. Not to mention, the Russian acted like a lout the whole show. Anyway, given what a good time we had in Romania and how weak this episode is, we suffered through it, but we weren't happy. It's strange, because we think his episode on the Mexican-U.S. border was a classic, and several others have also seemed much more "authentic" than this one. It's making us re-evaluate our opinion of some of his other shows. Ah well.Jeff


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