Reviewing News, Etc.

Feeling vaguely human at the moment. Just wanted to let New Weird contest winners and HMs know that their copies of various and sundry will go out shortly. Same for the Weird Tales subscribers I promised a little extra something to.Coming up, the NYT blog asked Ann and me what we've been listening to--that should go up in the next week--and there are a few changes in my reviewing schedule. I've decided to stop doing the Bookslut graphic novel column. I very much appreciated Jessa Crispin allowing me to do the column, but it is for free and I can't afford it any more. I will still pitch single-book reviews and interviews to her on an ad hoc basis. HOWEVER, this does not mean I will be slacking off in any way shape or form, since Amazon has approved me doing much, much more graphic novel coverage (general coverage--not just genre stuff). And, since over the last nine months the stats have gone way up, I'll also begin posting original graphic novel reviews to this blog, as well. In addition to some new developments I can't talk about yet.Finally, what does the Weather Channel have to do with our projects? You'll find out soon... :)Jeff


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