Starting a Band

UPDATE: Apparently, we've already had a gig. Must be all the drugs that make it hard for me to remember. (Funniest thing about this is I believe my wife Ann, not a writer, and Liz Hand are the only ones with any musical experience.)UPDATE #2: Okay, so now it's apparently becoming a meme.Seeing this Pixies documentary about their 2004 tour makes me want to start a band. A band of writers. Elizabeth Hand on bass and vocals. Jeff Ford on drums, and screaming "bullshit" to the punters. Me on lead guitar, because it's my fantasy. Hal Duncan for lead vocals. Need another guitar, of course, and that'd be Conrad Williams. Somehow I think K.J. Bishop would also have to be in the mix--on keyboards? So many possible mixes of band mates, though...have to think about this.If I could resurrect people, it'd be Angela Carter on vocals, Nabokov on violin, Mervyn Peake on creaking piano, Edward Whittemore on regular bass, Gogol on crazy-ass upright bass, Derek Raymond on (dark) lead guitar, and me on, er, cow bell.There's only one problem, of course--I have zippo musical talent.Jeff


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