StarShipSofa Podcasts of BSFA Finalists

A message from Tony Smith of StarShipSofa about some cool free podcasts connected to the BFSA Awards. StarShipSofa will be podcasting audio versions of my "Shark God Versus Octopus God" and "Secret Life" in the near future...Guess what the StarShipSofa podcast and the BSFA (British Science Fiction Association) have been up to this week? For a week now StarShipSofa has been uploading an audio story a day (Mon to Fri) that has been nominated for the BSFA Best Short Story Award 2007.These are the authors who were nominated and these are the links to the audio mp3's:'Lighting Out' – Ken MacLeod (disLocations)'Terminal' – Chaz Brenchley (disLocations)'The Merchant and the Alchemist's Gate' – Ted Chiang (F&SF, September)'The Gift of Joy' – Ian Whates (TQR)'The Sledge-Maker's Daughter' – Alastair Reynolds (Interzone #209)Each author has kindly given permission to get their stories narrated and the audio stories are up on the StarShipSofa site for free. Members of the BSFA will vote for the winner at Eastercon 2008 on the Saturday March 29th.So... we have no excuses to say "I never had time to read them!


Bad-Ass Bantams: Chicken Photos for Friday


Guest of Honor--Parcon, Czech Republic