Optimistic SF Post by Bacigalupi

I think this post by Paolo Bacigalupi about optimistic SF makes some great points. I love this point:It's not impossible, but first you have to explain how all the yogacizing organic carrot munching Baby Bjorn wearing liberal types who drive four blocks to the video store to get another DVD rental (real person, btw) are going to wake up and smell the coffee. I mean, if a supposedly supportive person (She buys local organic, yay!!!) is still clueless and destructive, how are you going to get the coal miner with the "Piss on Hippies" bumper sticker on his 4×4 (another neighbor of mine) to think sustainably?He goes on to talk about the central problems of writing truly optimistic SF, but one thing not mentioned might be the idea of changing your viewpoint. Maybe it's not truly optimistic, but you could say that the total collapse of human civilization in the next 50 years back to an agrarian barter economy without access to oil for cars would be the best thing for the planet. Kind of like the long view in Wells' The Time Machine, but finding the optimism in it.Now that I've written that it seems like babble, but oh well--that's why this is a blog post and not a formal essay. Anyway, check out the post.


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