The Apocalypse Reader: An Interview with Justin Taylor

My feature on The Apocalypse Reader, an interview with Justin Taylor, for Amazon.A few snippets I had to cut for reasons of length:On smashing through taboos:There's an Evangelical Christian writer who also happens to be named Justin Taylor. If you search my name here on Amazon you'll get a lot more by him than by me. I had wondered if some of his readers, seeing his name on a book about Apocalypse, might think I was him and buy my book and then get a series of probably for them fairly unpleasant surprises. If the mistake was ever made, none of them ever wrote to complain--maybe they liked it--but I have to say I was a bit disappointed that the book didn't really generate any controversy, because I would have welcomed the opportunity for discourse, to say nothing of the free PR. On a personally horrifying apocalypse:I think anything instantaneous. That's terrifying to think about: your existence and consciousness are utterly negated and you never know what hit you or that it even happened. But on the other hand, the experience itself would be a lot less excruciating than, say, dying of radiation poisoning or spending eternity in Hell.


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