VanderMeers to Edit New Tachyon Anthology: Squidpunk!

(Squidpunk promotional video above; new website here; scroll down for advance blurbs, etc.)Ann and I are thrilled to announce a new antho for 2009, through Jacob Weisman's Tachyon Publications: SQUIDPUNK! You'll note I mentioned this before here, and now, because of the excellent sales of New Weird and Steampunk, readers are going to get it! A rich diversity of fiction from the likes of Stephen Baxter, Michael Moorcock, Sarah Monette, Paul Witcover, Jay Lake, John Scalzi, Cat Rambo, Matt Staggs, Elizabeth Hand, and many, many more (we're still compiling the contents).But we really have to thank Jill Roberts, managing editor at Tachyon for this opportunity, though. She's wanted to do a Squidpunk anthology for several years, but the timing just wasn't right.Henry Kaiser contributed guitar images to the video above, while Danny Fontaine and the Horns of Fury contributed music. There's also a new website (which you should really check out; thanks Luis!), and here's the cover (design by Luis Rodrigues and guitar by Henry Kaiser):


Flotsam and Jetsam, Squidpunk and Other Stuff


Books Received--March 31 (and a question)