Bishop, Hines, Sigler, etc.

First off, the brave people at Amazon asked me to post about April Fool's posts (and Antick has a good listing of more.)A long, thoughtful interview with Scott Sigler.Jim C. Hines puts up with my silliness talking about his Goblin series (Die Goblin in Germany).Wondered what K.J. Bishop was up to? She's working on a Mouseman epic, among other things--and still Refusing to Be the Same.Kirkus profiles me and the lovely Ann, in their special SF/F issue (chockful of reviews).In other news, Rick Klaw has a new comics column.Matt Staggs is reinventing the Dukes of Hazard.io9 brings the mushrooms.Lone Star Stories is up.


Books Received--April 2


Flotsam and Jetsam, Squidpunk and Other Stuff