Some Ideas Apparently Ain't Acceptable in the Land of the Free

So I heard an MSNBC show host (a liberal or moderate) take Ted Turner to task for saying that in 10 to 20 years the world's temperature may go up by 8 degrees and many of us will be dead as a result. He also said that some of the people fighting us in Iraq are the equivalent of freedom fighters--and was taken to task for this as if he was a crazy person.Okay, so global warming might not occur as fast as Turner was indicating, but it is a threat to civilization as we know it--most scientists agree on this. At the very least, it's not nuts to suggest it.And, it is a fact that there are many people fighting the American occupation of Iraq who do not belong to any terrorist groups. (Imagine if in 20 years China occupied the U.S. in the interests of their national security. Anyone resisting would of course be called a terrorist, but would any American, thinking of this scenario, see resistance as "terrorism"?)This all comes on the heels of the fiery sermons of Obama's pastor. Apparently it's not patriotic to question any aspect of America's foreign policy or history. Apparently if your comments don't fit easily into a binary system, you're screwed. I guess the righteousness displayed by commentators in reaction to Turner or Obama's pastor bothers me much, much more than what they are castigating.


Paolo Bacigalupi and Pump Six


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