Normal Service Will Resume...When I'm Dead?

The New York Times has an article on bloggers driven to exhaustion! Although, as they note, two deaths do not a trend make.Luckily, this doesn't apply to me. I do blog for money (although not here), but it's not the kind of thing where I have to constantly get an edge on posting about current news. As for the rates bloggers get...a lot depends on your speed. I have a minimum dollars-per-hour rate in my head that I won't go below, so if I'm being paid by the post, I simply make sure my time translates, over any given time period, to that minimum or higher. If you're a slow typist or can't "write on your feet," well, yes, unless you're in the upper-upper echelon, you will in fact be writing for peanuts...That said, I've reached a point where I need to recharge a bit, so blogging this week will be a little lighter, with normal service to resume by next Monday.


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