The Hard Choices of a Committed Bibliophile

I love books. Absolutely love them - maybe too much. I buy them whenever I can, sometimes in favor of other needed requisites, like food, gasoline or even - eek! - coffee.But that's okay. I feel like I can share that here. I imagine that many of you probably have the same habit that I do...that ink and paper monkey riding your back...just another hot fix of cool prose...just one more...One of the biggest issues that booknuts like myself face is - well - what to do with all of those books once you've read them? I'm torn, myself. I tend to become extremely attached to my books, particularly those that have enlightened or entertained me to a greater degree. I find it extremely hard to part with them. Still, in order to get more books (without my wife kicking me out of the house) I have to do something with them.Sometimes I box them up and store them in our attic, sometimes I give them away to friends or take them to the library for their collection. Sometimes I don't do any of that. Sometimes they just stick around.I was wondering today what you do with all of your books? Do you keep all of them? Do you give them away or sell them once you read them? Somewhere in between? What is your preferred method of thinning down your book flock? What criteria - if any - do you use to make these hard decisions....or is this a hard decision at all for you? Do you have any special exceptions? Books that you feel especially attached to?Let me know.UPDATE: I've uploaded some larger photos from one of my book cases for those of you who enjoy looking through other people's collections. I know I do.  See one of my book cases here.


The Chaos of the Normal: Austin Osman Spare


Extraordinary Engines: Nick Gevers' Antho TOC