Writers who inspire, writers who intimidate...

I suspect that there are more than a few writers of greater or lesser achievement among this blog's readers, and I wonder if any of you might be up to answering these questions:1) Can you name a good writer (or writers) who inspires you to pick up the pen and start writing right away?2) Can you name a writer (writers) so good that he or she has the opposite effect on you? In other words, who intimidates you into thinking "I might as well stop, I'll never be this good."3) Have you ever had the experience of reading a book that was so terrible that it inspired you to write? In other words, made you think "If this clown can be successful, I know I can too."I'd love the names of the authors for the first two questions, along with the name of the title (or titles) that made you feel that way. For the third question, I'd prefer that you didn't name the writer in question, but if you can tell me about the experience without directly identifying the work or its creator that would be good.


Michael Chabon's "Spiderman II" script unearthed

