Tell Us About Your Life for Your First Book

Pursuant to this post, I'm officially shining a spotlight (flashlight?) out there on anyone bookless who wants to be bookful. (WHAT? You say you don't want to be bookful? Well, then, just pretend!) This is your day to dream, the way I was dreaming before my first book came out. What do you want people to know about you? Seeing as Secret Lives is finally coming out in a month or so, one winning entry will get a copy of that book. Seems appropriate.Funny, serious, over-the-top, minimalistic. But, it should be based on something vaguely true--after all, this is also a way for me to get to know the readers of this blog a little better. Post until Wednesday and when the dust clears, we'll settle who won. (This isn't really a case of one-upping each other, btw. I really want to know something unique and wonderful about you!)JeffSo far we've got Larry, Matt, and Crowe:Larry Says:April 19, 2008 at 10:57 am »Oh, so you want something snazzy, huh? Let’s see:“Teachers are a society’s touchstone. From having to deal with bawling kids complaining about who got to be first in line to teen girls literally gushing to tell him about their menstrual cycles to a series of room invasions by greedy birds, Larry has seen it all. In a tour-de-force novel that exposes the painful hilarities of the US educational “system,” he cracks his knuckles multiple times down upon the knuckleheads slumbering through the school day and through life. A must-read autobiographical novel!”Matt Staggs Says:April 19, 2008 at 1:58 pm »“Growing up fearfully preparing for a zombie uprising that never came after watching DAWN OF THE DEAD as a child, Matt Staggs grew to become a minor functionary in a psychiatric hospital, leader to a small clan of cats and eventually a clandestine operative in the murky world of public relations. He once fell asleep in Jackson Square Park in New Orleans, only to awake to find tourists posing for pictures over his exhausted body. Staggs swears that he finds Sea Serpent’ to be the most enjoyable phrase in the English language. His first novel, ‘Knuckles and Those Wot Cracked Em’ is a runaway bestseller among people who run away from novels and other inanimate objects.”Crowe Says:April 19, 2008 at 3:36 pm »“By the time Crowe was 16, she had wrestled an adder, disappeared into a Roman canal hidden under snow, learned the secret language of rooks, and won the annual Sea Cadets’ “Knotting By Night in a Force 10 Gale” award for the second time - achievements that little qualified her to write anything at all.”


Hobbits May Be Kosher!


Just Another Working Saturday....