Embracing Our Other Selves: Formula for Creating Your Literary Name

Interesting post expressing irritation about midlist authors in a "death spiral" of reduced sales having to use a pen name. Thanks to Gwenda for the link. (My current pen name, btw, which I've been using for over 25 years, is "Stephen King".)Really, though, I think we should embrace our other selves. A pen name provides a kind of freedom to reinvent oneself. It also depends on how much ego you have tied up in your name. If necessary--and even if unnecessary--I'd happily write under other names. In fact, should I ever finish this book for middle schoolers that I'm working on, I'll be using the name "Buckwaldo Mudthumper" (so back off, Felix Gilman, Mr. Punkpunk--it's taken!).So, what's your literary pen name? THIS IS THE OFFICIAL FORMULA (as created by, um, me):(1) Use the first name of your favorite writer as your first name.(2) Use the name of your first pet as your middle name or for your middle initial (if your pet had a separate last name...you're a freak).(3) Use the first or last name of your favorite character in fiction--your choice--as your last name.Thus, I would be Vladimir Tiko Ahab...er, or not.Jeff


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