Secret Lives Update (direct all inquiries to Sean Wallace)

For those of you in the know, the Secret Lives book project has been ongoing since 2005. Since turning in the manuscript, it's been up to Sean Wallace at Prime to get it published. The latest news is that it should be out in the next month to eight weeks. I'm supposed to get the signing sheets shortly. The bad news is that Prime's slipcase contact has disappeared and they'll be unable to do the limited-limited of 26 copies. The more straightforward limited, with plenty of bells and whistles, is still coming 4 to 8 weeks. BUT, if you're one of the 26 unfortunate souls who ordered the 26-copy edition...Sean Wallace needs to get in touch with you to explain your options. Option 1 is, of course, to cancel your order. Option 2 is to apply the cost of a limited-limited toward the limited. (Boy, this is confusing, isn't it?) In any event, the keeper of all knowledge is Sean Wallace at Prime Books. You can reach him at seanwallace at I'd like to be more helpful, but I don't have the list of 26 orderers.My apologies for the delays and for the problems. I promise that this will never happen again. And I can assure you that I am really distressed over this. I pride myself on getting projects done--high quality and on time.Jeff


Two New Blogs of Interest


Steampunk--Get Your Fresh, Brass Goggled Steampunk Antho Here!