The Jeffrog-Squidmaster YouTube Mash-up (and Friday Night Videos)

Here's the latest Friday Night Video face-off at Amazon: James Frey versus Chelsea Handler.More (less?!) importantly, below the cut find my first attempt at a YouTube mash-up/mesh-up thing. I don't know if anyone's done this before, but my idea was to find three videos you could run at the same time and have them make a rough thematic and aural sense. So, to run this experiment, you start the first one, wait two or three seconds, then immediately start the second and third. And let 'em run. Some may wish to mute the sound on the last one for the first minute. Your choice.It ain't perfect, this first experiment, and in fact may be remarkably lame, but I begin to see how you could take three or four or five YouTube videos and create a somewhat new experience. (In this case, the bottom scene ends first, followed by the middle, until you're left with the first as a kind of requiem.) Or, maybe I'm just craaaazzzy. Why don't ya tell me?


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Congrats to Tobias Buckell