Repeat After Me:

Baseless baby-buying becomes a buyer's bigotry.Baseless baby-buying becomes a buyer's bigotry.Baseless baby-buying becomes a buyer's bigotry.Fact is, though, we as readers accept horrible stereotypes and cliches about people and types of people all the time. It's the basis of much commercial fiction, actually. A kind of bad-karma short-hand that releases the writer to get on with the plot. Not saying it's right, just making an observation. I also haven't had time to read the story, but the discussion is fascinating.Even better, though, is this response. The problem with stereotype and cliche about any character in a story is that most of it has not been examined. A writer can knowingly use stereotype and cliche in a meaningful way--but only if they are doing it knowingly. Otherwise, it's just bad characterization.Jeff


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