Heliotrope and the Shadow Cabinet: Spotlight on Dedalus

No publisher covers Decadent and Surreal literature in quite the same way as Dedalus in the United Kingdom. As someone more eloquent than me said, "Dedalus is an arts-council funded publisher of beautiful, decadent and dazzling books. Looking through their catalogue is like looking in a musty old cabinet of curiosities, filled full of sweets. Their author list ranges from Huysmans to Mirbeau, Robert Irwin to Voltaire. Along with some of the best dark classics, there are modern English and translated works, and some exceptional concept books, such as The Decadent Handbook, The Dedalus Book of Absinthe and The Dedalus Book of Literary Suicides." They've been having a hard time lately, and there's even an online petition to save their funding.This time in the Shadow Cabinet article on overlooked books that I do for Heliotrope, I single out some deserving Dedalus titles:The Other Side by Alfred Kubin (original publication, 1908)Memoirs of a Gnostic Dwarf and Confessions of a Flesh-Eater by David Madsen (Dedalus originals, 1995 and 1997)Primordial Soup by Christine Leunens (Dedalus original, 1999)The Mysteries of Algiers by Robert Irwin (original publication, 1988)The Book of Nights by Sylvie Germain (original publication, 1985)(with a brief recommendation to seek out The Man in Flames by Serge Filippini, Memoirs of a Byzantine Eunuch, and Alembert’s Principle by Andrew Crumey)Below the cut find more detailed photographs of my entire Dedalus collection its utterly decadent glory...


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